Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fun with PlayDough


Anonymous said...

Sooo cute... at our place we only use it to cover the little toy engines and pretend its snow , and then CRASH through all of it!! Gosh!

Anonymous said...

Since I saw this, you are my guru in play dough . I even bought a new set with cutter :-D

Urmila Santosh said...

Nooooo Aswathy I'm not good at it !! This was just random fun at a playdate for these kids :) Can you believe I haven't yet got playdough for Samarth since he still has the habit of putting everything into his mouth...but maybe I should get the non-toxic stuff for him.


I am back!! I just realized that my last post on this blog was in November 2020! OMG! How have you all been in the third year of the pandemi...